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Membership is $95.00. If an existing member would like to re-use their mug from last year instead of buying a new mug, we will discount their membership $20. 

June 1st-30th is the renewal period for existing members. 

If a member hasn’t been signed up for a year but wants to renew, we will discount the price of the renewal $6.25 per month that is left on their membership. To guarantee a spot will still be available for existing members after June, it is best they renew early, even if they signed up after June. We have a spreadsheet with all the members’ names on it, and it can be used to consult to discount memberships who are renewing early. 

July 1st-31st  is our open enrollment period for all new memberships.

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Muggers now receive with their membership-


  • Thirsty Muggers Club Mug (20oz.), which you will take home with you at the end of your membership. Mugs remain at brewery during membership.

  • $2 off every beer for the entire year (NOT applicable during Happy Hour, when you’re a Mugger, it’s ALWAYS Happy Hour)

  • 20% Off all PCBC merchandise (shirts, glasses, hats, stickers, growlers)

  • Annual Members Only party (+1)

  • Exclusive merchandise

  • A free beer on your birthday


Only muggers can use their membership. Happy hour discount is not applicable( Muggers always pay happy hour pricing) High ABV beers will only be available in mugs in 12 oz portions(these beers will not fill the mug completely)

When ringing in a Muggers Club membership who will be getting the new mug, use the “Mug Count” button so that we will be able to keep track of how many mugs we have  available, this prevents us from selling more memberships than we have mugs.

Each time a current Mugger renews their membership, be sure to highlight their name on the spreadsheet of Mug Club members, this way we can keep track of who has renewed membership.

During the month of June, let’s try to let every thirsty mugger that we serve know about the upcoming renewal, and how the new membership works! If you do not have time to explain these things to a table, or need help clarifying, ask a manager!



Parker County Brewing Co.

210 Willow Bend dr. Willow Park Tx. 76008




Monday 11am-10pm

Tuesday 11am-10pm

Wednesday 11am - 10pm

Thursday 11am-10pm

Friday 11am-11pm

Saturday 11am-11pm

Sunday 11am-4pm

TEL: 817.615.9933

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Parker County Brewing. All Rights Reserved. | PRIVACY POLICY

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